My mum commented today that she is fascinated that there were people in the supermarket this afternoon, flicking through whatever cards are still available on the shelves, when they have known this celebratory day has been in the calendar all year. Clearly her disbelief proves that she is an organised person. Organised people don't understand Disorganised people.
Organised people plan ahead for these days. They carefully choose just the right card, with an appropriate picture and oh-so-personal words that will evoke exactly the right sentiment, humour or abuse appropriate for their loved ones.
Organised people set aside time to consider a choice of gifts, and perhaps even compare prices while wandering round the shops on a day of shopping that has most certainly required A List. Organised people always have A List. Or perhaps, the modern version of organised, where they peruse multiple websites, allowing plenty of time for their gift to be despatched and delivered ahead of the calendar-marked day.
Organised people will already have a choice of wrapping papers, cello-tape (in a handy dispenser), and if required, a packet of stamps in their purse or wallet.
Organised people are brilliant. I want to be one.
Then there are Disorganised people. I know quite a few of these, and I have to say as a sweeping generalisation, that many of them are men. Disorganised people don't understand Organised people. They don't see the point.
Disorganised people embrace, and often celebrate that cards and gifts are purchased at the last possible minute. An absolute maximum of celebration minus 48 hours, (more likely minus 2 hours).
Disorganised people buy a card and gift that is 'exactly' what the recipient wants. Even if in reality it's nothing that person would have even thought about wanting, the Disorganised person won't feel the need to worry about it because they will have convinced themselves at the point of purchase, that the fact the items are are a) in front of them, b) within an acceptable price bracket and c) gender appropriate or neutral, means they have chosen wisely and can move on with their day.
Disorganised people will usually remember to buy wrapping paper too. Even if they have 15 other half used rolls and sheets at home, it's best to get some more.
Disorganised people are brilliant and worry free. I want to be one.
And then there are Unbalanced people. Me, of course.
It's fair to say that I fluctuate between the organised and disorganised camps. I have a very strong desire to be organised. I even sometimes write lists. I rarely complete all the activities but I'm fine with that.
And I'm not unthoughtful. I THINK about the presents I want to buy for even longer than organised people spend shopping. I just might not make that essential purchase until the last minute.
My Fathers Day experience this year...
My mum's birthday is two weeks before Fathers' Day, so in a fit of 'watch how organised I can be!' I ordered personalised Funky Pigeon cards for my husband and my dad, 3 weeks in advance.
Suitably happy and proud of myself I set about the long-term present choosing thought process. I even somehow managed to make a decision, go to the right shops and have gifts in my hands with 72 hours to spare.
I didn't seek out wrapping paper because I remembered that only a few weeks before I had bought suitable paper and there was enough left over for the size of presents just bought.
Smug smile, I am (for once) Little Miss Organised (along with my Little Miss Tidy achievement from last week I am excelling myself).
Until the day comes to go visit my Dad. Now, where did I put those cards? Seriously, where the fuck did I put those cards?
You know when perspective goes out of the window? I had a total melt down. I turned the house upside down. I looked in the same places at least 20 times. I made my husband and child look in all those places, while I followed them round watching them do it. No amount of my husband saying 'just get another one' would stop me. In my head this was a symbol of everything that is wrong with my Unbalanced life. I just HAD to find them.
And the end of the story is that I didn't find them. I still have absolutely no idea where they are. I had to join the Disorganised people in Tesco, to panic buy any card. But I took with me an utter frustration and self loathing that I had qualified for the Organised person Olympics, in the run up to the race. And then fell flat on my face just before the finish line.
So there we have it. Whether you are an Organised or Disorganised person, this Unbalanced person is jealous of you. Because whether you bought a card two weeks or two hours in advance, you know where your fucking card is.
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