Back in the day, and I'm talking at least a decade ago, getting ready was part of the fun of a night out. It would shape my whole Saturday. I might head into town to buy a new top, or eyeliner, or nail varnish. It was not uncommon for me to make sure I was home for a nap around 4pm so that I could have an hour or two in bed before having another hour or two to get ready.
As I wrote that I just stopped in my tracks and realised that I used to feel the need for a nap even then. And I would have one! Not to catch up on precious, lost sleep, but to pre-charge my dancing batteries.
Batteries fully charged I would start a new phase: getting ready to get ready. Before actually getting ready, I'd decide which CD to listen to, test out a choice of outfits and shoes, decide if I would I have wine or vodka later. All that is assuming I was alone. There would be additional elements if any girlfriends were coming round to get ready with me. Then we'd be treating the CD player like a juke box while comparing latest make-up, perfume and trying to make different sized feet fit into each others shoes.
Getting ready was an event in itself.
No longer. Now I reckon I can do it in 20 minutes. It goes like this...
Preparation: I will have washed my hair in the morning, because my hair is just as unbalanced as I am and requires at least two hours to calm down after being washed. A ruffle and a bit of frizz-calming wax is all the attention it gets.
T-20: Quick shower, avoiding getting my head wet. In the unlikely event that I have worn make-up during the day, I might wash it off. But if I'm super lazy, (and even I'm a little ashamed to admit this) I will just put a bit more over the top.
T-15: Make-up. As I wear exactly the same make-up all the time, it's a pretty straight forward routine and I could do it in my sleep. A recent purchase has got me excited though - glittery eye power I can put over my plain beige eye-shadow, and voila... I have achieved that day-to-night transition that apparently every woman dreams of. I am a Disco Diva, no matter that there are no discos any more.
T-8: Get dressed. Choose one of the sets of still-quite-nice underwear from my drawer (easy as I only have two). Skim passed the dress choices - its not anyone's birthday. So it's either The Good Jeans or The Black Trousers and one of three tops that haven't yet been down-graded to work wear. I spend 10 seconds wondering what I wore last time I saw whoever I'm meeting, and then remember that unless it's a yellow, polkadot, bat-wing dress, no-one actually remembers.
T-3: Ask my husband if I should wear the black shoes or the black boots. I like to involve him. He does the same for me. Neither of us listen and we make our own choices anyway.
T-1: Coat on, and THEN, realise that my nail varnish is appalling and quickly paint another coat over the top.
Time to go.
T+1: Taxi is waiting as I try to load all my make-up into my handbag, without smudging my nails (knowing this is a pointless exercise as once I've had that first glass I'm past caring. I'm too lazy to even take my bag to the toilets, never mind actually reapply any make-up).
My 'happy' at the end of all this though is that I'm out. That's the point. Whether I'm out with my husband, friends or a few random strangers, I'm confident enough to know that my sparkling conversation and wit can outshine my new eye-shadow. And if I've got that wrong, there's always the wine and vodka.